Introduction to MLITS
By Yash Sharma
June 30th, 2023
What is MLITS?
I have been eagerly anticipating the creation of MLITS (Machine Learning in the Sciences). The idea of having my own podcast has always excited me, and now that I finally have one, I believe it's the perfect opportunity to create a complementary website.
The primary objective of this website would be to serve as a hub for publishing a diverse range of research, thoughts, and ideas within the realm of artificial intelligence. In essence, I envision it as a virtual collection drawer, where I can curate and showcase valuable content to a wider audience.
What are my goals with MLITS?
Publishing Research, Thoughts, and Ideas: I aim to utilize MLITS as a platform to share and publish my research findings, insightful thoughts, and innovative ideas related to artificial intelligence. I intend to contribute to the field and share what I learn with others. I hope this website grows as I grow.
Maintaining a Blog and Podcast: I plan to keep a regular blog and podcast as part of MLITS. I am committed to consistently producing content (with help), whether through written articles or podcast episodes, to engage with my audience and provide them with valuable insights into the world of AI.
Building a Community: Another goal of MLITS is to establish a community of AI and ML enthusiasts. By encouraging enthusiasts to share their thoughts, ideas, and perspectives, I aim to create an interactive and collaborative environment where like-minded individuals can connect, learn from one another, and contribute to the broader discourse on AI.
What can you expect in the next couple of weeks?
Over the next few weeks, I am excited to announce that my first podcast featuring Corey Wade from Berkeley Coding Academy will go live. Stay tuned for this upcoming episode.